Kobe Bryant Memorial Court Unveiled in Roxbury

November 16, 2023

On October 24th a basketball court remembering the late Kobe Bryant was revealed at the Boys and Girls Club in Roxbury. In a project spearheaded by Mamba & Mambacita Sports Foundation in partnership with BODYARMOR, kids in the neighborhood now have a beautiful new basketball court built by Sport Court of Massachusetts to play on.

This stunning basketball court, designed in vibrant Lakers colors, is a collaboration between several groups. The neighborhood’s aging asphalt court was revitalized by Sport Court of MA with Sport Court’s patented PowerGame Plus tile, designed to create a suspended floor outdoors with shock absorbency technology. This tile provides a more forgiving surface for athletes to play on and is better for head impact injuries.  Kids can practice their jump shots and free throws with the new TrueBounce basketball hoop systems. With over 25 years of experience, Sport Court builds best-in-class courts for residential and commercial projects.

Kobe Court Before and After

It’s not just the court that’s beautiful, an incredible mural was painted by Artist Andaluz and his team of Kobe and his daughter, Gianna “Gigi” Bryant, and stands beside the court. Kobe and Gigi can watch over and inspire aspiring athletes as members of the Boys and Girls Club practice and play.

The Mamba & Mambacita Sports Foundation was created in loving memory of Kobe and Gigi Bryant. The foundation is dedicated to providing support and programs for athletes in underserved communities across the country. They build and refurbish courts like this one all over the country to carry on the Bryants’ legacy. This particular project was funded by sponsors like BODYARMOR.

The unveiling of this fabulous new court was a great success, with young athletes getting to hit the court and start playing right away. Celtics’ point guard Jaylen Brown was on hand to celebrate the occasion as well. In an interview with NBC 10 Brown said, “For me to be here in Boston to honor [Kobe’s] legacy is a tremendous honor.”